How Much To Feed?
Feeding Calculators
Use Adult Calculator for dogs over 68 weeks.
Use Puppy Calculator for dogs less than 68 weeks.
Feeding charts are a starting point. Give your dog 2 weeks on the suggested amount then re-evaluate and adjust amounts up or down by looking at pet's body. No ribs or hip bones should be showing, but all dogs should maintain a figure eight physique.
Adult chart enter pet's BEST body weight.
Puppy Chart enter puppies current weight and age in weeks.

Puppy Feeding Calculator
Recommended Feeding Amount

Adult Feeding Calculator
Recommended Feeding Amount

Complete and Balanced Feeding
Dogs need a variety of proteins to get the maximum health benefits out of raw. Shoot for a minimum of 4-5 proteins like: Beef, Turkey, Duck, Rabbit, Fish, Lamb, Goat, Pork, Chicken and Tripe Blends.
It’s time for a New Era of Pet Food

Grains & Rice

Fillers & Premixes

Preservatives & Flavorings


Denatured Meats


Flours or Oil

Colors or Dyes

Synthetic Vitamins & Minerals